• Day 67 – Paradise and the Search for Lost Soldiers

    Early in the morning on the 19th of september 1994, where people in the picturesque city of Rabaul, were still fast asleep, a rumble as deep and loud as thunder could be heard. This was no thunderstorm though, and within minutes it was clear to even the most sceptical, that Mt. Tavurvur, the dormant vulcano …

  • Finding The Lost Notes

    Many people ask me what I mean about The Lost Notes, and I guess it warrants an answer. Naming a blog you are starting out is always difficult. You want a unique name, but also a descriptive one, one that tells a story about what your blog is about, but on the other hand do …

  • Day 30 – Freediving in the Trobriand Islands

    The boat I was waiting for in Esa Ala, had finally arrived on the 6th day of waiting. It came to port at 6 am, waited for me for 5 minutes, and then took off, and where was I? Fast asleep! Because of the heavy rain, was I unable to hear my alarm, and I …

  • Day 10 – The Nuakata Fishermen

    After having spent a few days recovering from jet lag and a mild fever, the adventure could finally begin! And so I set out from Alotau to the easternmost point of Papua New Guinea: East Cape, where Papua New Guinea ends and South Pacific proper begins. Nuakata would be the first Island I visited on my …