
10 Days to Papua!

With only 10 days to go until I leave for this South Pacific Expedition, I’m milling about to get the last bits and pieces together, while passing by my doctor and dentist, just to be sure. You don’t want having to have your teeth pulled out deep into the Papua new Guinean jungle! I usually …


Tickets, Maps & Departure Date!

I have just bought the first one way ticket of the adventure! A pretty big step for me. These are no longer merely words or thoughts and ideas, they are all part of something that is going to happen! The ticket pretty much sets the date of the start of the whole journey, and it …


Flight Connections in the South Pacific

While my plan is to mostly use my two feet and local transport, its good to have a backup plan, and so I have been looking into several different flight options in the South Pacific region, and it’s quite the jungle, to figure out what islands are actually connected, by flights. Using both Airtreks.com, which …